The diversity committee at Colby Community College will feature guest speaker Dr. W.G. Romine II at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 21, in the Cultural Arts Center. Coinciding with the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., the topic is inclusion and diversity.

Dr. Romine is the pastor at the Redeeming Love Ministries Regional Church and Chancellor of Redeeming Love Ministries Training Centers School of Theology. For more than 30 years he has delivered sermons and had many writings published, including his book Unspeakable Truth.

According to officials at the college, the topic of inclusion has become a point of emphasis as backgrounds of the student population become more diverse each year.

The first 50 people at Monday's presentation will receive a CCC T-shirt.

For information on the event, contact Dr. George McNulty at (785) 460-5490.