Colby Community College received notification Monday that the institution has been removed from probation by its accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission.

“The accomplishment of Colby Community College being removed from probationary status occurred due to the work of the employees, Board of Trustees, and the support of the community,” said President Seth Carter. “We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped the institution overcome this obstacle.”

The sanction was imposed in July 2015 after the Commission board determined the college did not meet requirements in areas that relate to financial resources and systematic improvement.

In a July 17 letter to Carter, the Commission cited several points of evidence for removing the sanction. The college made significant improvements in internal controls over the key operating cycle areas of cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable and encumbrances. CCC pursued and obtained 21 local, state, and federal grants worth $2.2 million between July 2015 and July 2016, and the College Board of Trustees restructured institutional debt to save approximately $109,252 annually.

Carter noted the importance of students knowing Colby has maintained full accreditation over the last two years.

“Credit hours taken during the probationary period are fully transferable. Other institutions of higher education will accept CCC’s credits as they always have.”

Accreditation is critical to colleges and universities because of the direct impact on enrollment. Without affirmation of an accrediting body such as the Higher Learning Commission, students would not have access to federal financial aid.

The next step for the college is to file a report with the Commission by August 31, 2018, to demonstrate progress on issues identified before and during the time of probation.