Independent higher education planning resource added Colby Community College to its list of the Best Online Veterinary Degree Programs in 2023.

After researching over 3,000 colleges and universities, evaluates each program on tuition costs, admission, retention and graduation rates, faculty, reputation, and the student resources provided for online students. An Intelligent Score on a scale from 0 to 100 is given to each institution. Colby's veterinary nursing program received a tally of 90.1.

The complete list and methodology are posted on the organization's website.

The CCC distance learning veterinary nursing program began in 2012 and is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association. The on-campus program has been accredited for more than 50 years.

Current instructors are veterinarians Dr. Jennifer Martin, Dr. Beth Fenton, and Dr. Gina VanLoenen. Other faculty are registered veterinary technicians Angie Harris and Sheyenne Spady, as well as Veterinary Nursing Enrollment and Retention Specialist Amanda Hart. Six adjunct instructors also teach online courses.