Colby Community College News
Colby Commitment Scholarship Available for Fall
Despite increasing higher education costs, Colby Community College has been innovative in making college available to the region. One avenue CCC uses to remove obstacles is the Colby Commitment Scholarship, a tuition, fees, and books benefit...
VP Nolan Promoted
President Seth Carter announced that Colby Community College Vice President of Student Affairs, Nikol Nolan, has been promoted to executive vice president. "I am beyond grateful for Colby Community College and the staff, faculty, and students...
Constitutional Carry Class on July 27
COLBY -- A Constitutional Carry (permitless carry) class will be offered from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 27, in Room 705 of Colby Community College's Bedker Memorial Complex. It is taught by certified concealed carry handgun instructor...
Angel Morrison Hired as VPAA
Colby Community College announced the hiring of Angel Morrison as the next vice president of academic affairs. Morrison will provide leadership and strategic direction for student learning outcomes and advocate for faculty. Before her new post,...
Women's Handgun Class July 20
COLBY -- Women's Intermediate Handgun Instruction will be offered from 9 a.m. to noon on July 20 in Colby Community College's Bedker Memorial Complex. The women-only class teaches higher-level handgun safety and fundamental operation and meets...